Emergency squad hosts kickball event for kids with autism

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The Lyndhurst Special Angels presented the Lyndhurst Police Emergency Squad with a plaque at the July board of commissioners meeting for hosting a kickball tournament for children with special needs.

“It was a great experience, the kids were laughing, having fun and really enjoying themselves.”  Stated Jennifer Burns, 2nd lieutenant for LPES.  “It was the first time we did something like this and I feel as if it really meant a lot to not only the kids, but to us and all the people involved.”

LPES volunteers lead by nine-year-old honorary member AmberPaige Dolan played against two groups of Special Angels in a match that resulted in the Special Angels victory of 78 to 22.  They were lead to victory with home runs by Timmy Branchick and Charles Monesterio.  The Special Angels had a solid defense with pitchers Bella Banuls, Cassandra Ribustello, Danny Gongora and Sammy Spitzer shutting down the LPES team in 3 separate innings.

After the match, the LPES volunteers invited the Special Angels to the LPES building and held a barbecue for all participants.  “They hit every detail, from gluten free food to medals for the kids” stated Deborah Wertalik who presented the plaque to LPES volunteers. “For once I was the one who was approached for an event like this.  It was really a great reminder that there are people out there that care about changing the life of a child.”



LPES partners with EMSFR

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Lyndhurst Police Emergency Squad (LPES) is proud to announce its partnership with Emergency Medical Services Family Resources (EMSFR) —a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the families of emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics who have suffered from a catastrophic illness, injury or death.

LPES has decided to support EMSFR to protect its volunteer members and also to help other EMTs and Paramedics throughout the country. “EMSFR is much like the Police Benevolent Association and the Firemen’s Mutual Benevolent Association.” Said Tarcisio Nunes, captain of the LPES. “Everyday thousands of selfless individuals provide emergency medical services, often in extremely dangerous situations.  EMSFR is the only organization that provides support to the families of these emergency responders.”

The organization was started in October of 2011 Lynn Davis of Las Vegas, NV after her son Justin Conklin of Elizabeth NJ suffered a massive heart attack.  The family, had trouble finding an organization to aid them while Conklin was in the hospital.  Davis created the organization to help emergency responders like Conklin to be prepared and able to support their families in case of a medical emergency or death.

For more information about EMSFR please visit EMSF.org


Pictured Below Justin Conklin of EMSFR and Captain Tarcisio Nunes LPES


LPES Supports the Special Olympics Through The Seaside Heights Polar Bear Plunge

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LyndhurstPolice Emergency Squad proudly sponsored volunteer member Heather Olivier as she plunged into the 36 degree Atlantic Ocean on Saturday, February 25 along with 5,900 other plungers in support of the Special Olympics.










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