The Lyndhurst Special Angels presented the Lyndhurst Police Emergency Squad with a plaque at the July board of commissioners meeting for hosting a kickball tournament for children with special needs.
“It was a great experience, the kids were laughing, having fun and really enjoying themselves.” Stated Jennifer Burns, 2nd lieutenant for LPES. “It was the first time we did something like this and I feel as if it really meant a lot to not only the kids, but to us and all the people involved.”
LPES volunteers lead by nine-year-old honorary member AmberPaige Dolan played against two groups of Special Angels in a match that resulted in the Special Angels victory of 78 to 22. They were lead to victory with home runs by Timmy Branchick and Charles Monesterio. The Special Angels had a solid defense with pitchers Bella Banuls, Cassandra Ribustello, Danny Gongora and Sammy Spitzer shutting down the LPES team in 3 separate innings.
After the match, the LPES volunteers invited the Special Angels to the LPES building and held a barbecue for all participants. “They hit every detail, from gluten free food to medals for the kids” stated Deborah Wertalik who presented the plaque to LPES volunteers. “For once I was the one who was approached for an event like this. It was really a great reminder that there are people out there that care about changing the life of a child.”
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